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Your Benelux
Travel Trade Scanner


Analyse the travel industry
in Belgium and 
The Netherlands


Who is selling which destinations? How important is a country, region or city? What are your competitors doing?


Which products are being sold by tour operators and travel agents? Do we see any evolutions? Discover the products being sold in specific destinations. 

Company profiles

Get the profiles of all tour operators and travel agents on the market. See what they specialize in in terms of destinations or products. Know who to approach for your B2B development and B2C image building.

Ask about our subscription possibilities or one time reports


Search all websites based on keywords

Just like Google we screen all websites based on the keywords you provide us with. Thanks to regular screenings you get a performing and up to date market analysis tool making your travel development so much easier. 



As a PR, sales and marketing agency specialized in the travel and leisure industry, we want to continuously monitor the travel trade in the Benelux. In order to provide the best possible service to our clients we searched for a innovative solution.


The travel industry is changing towards a more sustainable future. New qualitative segments are being launched creating more meaningful holidays. TraviQ enables us to track these changes in the Benelux market.


Based on official Chamber of Commerce data in Belgium and The Netherlands we screen all websites of travel agents and tour operators. Our tool allows you to easily search their websites based on keywords obtaining vital market intelligence.

How can you use TraviQ?

TraviQ offers you various subscription models based on the number of keywords you want to add and analyse. Need a hand for reporting? Do you prefer a one time report rather than a subscription? Could you use assistance in terms of follow-up and for contacting all of these interesting travel companies in the Benelux?

Send us an email and receive your personalized proposal



Gisèle Jamin

Atout France

"TraviQ is a perfect tool for us and our partners to increase and improve our presence in the product offerings of tour operators. It allows us to select companies based on holiday type enabling us to target perfectly matching contacts for events, sales calls, FAM Trips or co-marketing campaigns "

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Koning Albertstraat 76/1A 

3290 Diest

0032 468 17 28 46

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©2023 by TravIQ
A travel intelligence 


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